This presentation includes a brief overview of sustainability reporting prior to the integrated reporting project and how integrated reporting can help businesses.
Events Archive
CIMA Event
Birmingham Law Society Event
Date: Thursday. 22nd January 2015 Time: 9:00 Registration, 9:30 – 12:30 Seminar Venue: St Philips Chambers, 55 Temple Row, Birmingham, B2 5LS Fee: Member: £50 + VAT Non-Member: £70 + VAT Speakers: Craig Holden and Matt Clarke Which comes first? Getting visitors to your website or getting them to make enquiries and buy from your website? Many SMEs, including law firms, have …Find out more
Birmingham Law Society Event
Date: Wednesday, 21 January 2015 Time: Registration: 12.30pm, Seminar: 13:00 – 16:00 Venue: Clarke Willmott, 138 Edmund Street, Birmingham B3 CPD: 3 hours Fee: Members £99 + VAT Non-Members £115 + VAT Speaker: Richard Snape This course looks at ways of making the job go smoothly, instilling client loyalty & at the same time, protecting against claims. Topics covered include: …Find out more
ifs School of Finance Event
Session 1 – Presentation Sweeping changes in financial crime legislation over the past 15 years have caused the industry to change the way it does business. In this presentation we will consider changes in the main pieces of legislation ie Fraud Act 2006, Bribery Act 2010 and Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, assessing the impact …Find out more
This event will cover the model which was set up to transform procurement processes together with the huge cultural change faced by the entire Corporation of London. The model being outlined demonstrates a successful co-sourced approach with Accenture.
CIM Event
Find out more about CIM’s new direction and join the debate about where the marketing profession is heading at this Future Focus event. This is one event of the CIM tour to discover marketers’ views on the future of marketing. Ideas gathered will help to form the discussion strands of the hackathon that is taking …Find out more
Birmingham Law Society Event
Advocacy Training – Thursday 20th November 2014 12.30pm – 5pm CPD: 4 Hours Birmingham Law Society is running an advocacy training program for those lawyers who have limited experienced at attending District Judge appointments in civil/commercial claims. The aim of this training is to provide an introduction to advocacy in District Judge appointments and to …Find out more
(No Institute)
This includes a practical workshop on Statutory Wills
(No Institute)
Useful as a refresher for COFA’s or those supporting the COFA, this half day course takes a practical look at some of the issues faced by COFA’s on a daily basis, including materiality testing and what to consider when categorising breaches. Topics covered include: •General update on the role •Practical examples •Case studies •Materiality testing …Find out more
Birmingham Law Society Event
Date: Wednesday 12 November 2014 Time: 13:00 registration and lunch 13:30 – 16:30 seminar Venue: CPD: 3 Hours CPD Accredited by the SRA Fees: member: £99 + vat Non-member: £115 + vat Speaker: Jayne Willetts and Matthew Moore As we approach the second anniversary of law firm COLPs and COFAs taking up their roles what …Find out more