Events Archive

  1. CMI – Chartered Management Institute Event


    Speakers from the worlds of media, marketing, technology and creativity will present at a communications seminar for marketers in the Midlands on 26 October. The ‘Now that’s what I call Creativity’ – Robots or Humans? event follows an extremely successful first Midlands creativity conference last November. It will be presented by Chartered Institute of Marketing, …Find out more

  2. CIMA Event


    Across every continent, networking both within and between organisations has become the key to continued business success and collaboration. Being a ‘good networker’ is a key skill in order to bring in new business or even get into the job market. Networking is not about selling. It is about building relationships and trust. However, attending …Find out more

  3. CIMA Event


    Would you like to learn how to use your accounting skills to analyse financial information for investigations and use in legal proceedings? This event will cover: What is forensic accounting and what do we do? Litigation – how a forensic accountant gets involved. Investigations and fraud. Recurring themes – business valuations, calculating losses, finding the …Find out more

  4. BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT – Birmingham Branch Event
    BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT

    Speaker: Eddie Allan, Spartan Global Service Details: To be preceded by the AGM. More details to follow. Closing date for bookings is Sunday 15 October 2017 at 11:59 pm. No more bookings will be taken after this date. For overseas delegates who wish to attend the event please note that BCS does not issue invitation letters.

  5. AAT Event


    ALL PINWM members are invited to the Association of Accounting Technicians final event of 2017 held at the Birmingham Chamber of Commerce, on Tuesday 10th October 2017 at 6.30pm for a 7pm start. Our topic is one that affects all walks of life and all Industries and Sectors – Behaviours and how they affect your …Find out more

  6. Birmingham Law Society Event


    Date: Tuesday, 3 October 2017  Venue: WEBINAR  Times: 11.00 – 12.00  Fees: FREE  Speaker: Tony Rollason, Landmark Information Group This highly practical session is geared towards understanding the different commercial conveyancing reports. We consider the which, when & how of selecting the right reports for the various transactions such that conveyancers can manage risk as …Find out more

  7. (No Institute)

  8. Birmingham Law Society Event


    12:00 – 13:30 Members: £15 + vat, non-members: £20 + vat Come and join us for the second of our monthly lunch clubs with inspirational people! Enjoy a glass of wine on arrival and fabulous two course, fork buffet lunch prepared by Hotel du Vin’s amazing chef. About Daisy: Daisy is a government affairs professional …Find out more

  9. CIMA Event


    This talk will educate the audience on where cyber security has come from, where we stand right now with the current threats and how businesses can protect themselves including looking at accreditations and insurance. Ultimately this means protecting data and this talk will help the business to understand the implications of not protecting the data, …Find out more

  10. PINWM Event
    Birmingham Law Society Logo

    Birmingham Law Society and PINWM are doing a joint networking event. Flyer Networking w PINWM 210917
